The Properties button to the right of the dropdown list contains settings that have been preconfigured by your computer. Choose the large format printer plotter you’ll be using to print your AutoCAD drawing. This dropdown list contains the printing devices that have been configured to work with AutoCAD. (Note: If you are in Model view, go to View and switch to the desired layout.) This will bring up the Plot dialog box. To print a CAD drawing from a layout, just right-click on the Layout tab of the drawing that you want to print and select Plot. To open the expanded Plot dialog box, click the arrow icon in the bottom right corner. The Plot dialog box may appear in standard or expanded mode.
All you need to do is input the following: If your computer is connected to a large format printer or plotter configured to print AutoCAD drawings, printing is relatively straightforward.
Printing AutoCAD drawings to a large format printer plotter This article walks you through the process of printing from AutoCAD to a large format printer or plotter and how to convert CAD drawings to PDF. Getting your AutoCAD drawings onto paper can sometimes be tricky if you are working with complex files or unfamiliar printers.